How To Keep Feet Warm With Poor Circulation – 5 Helpful Approaches

Poor circulation is a condition in which one or more parts of the body do not receive adequate blood flow. It may lead to various body complications or disorders. For example, you can experience numbness, cramps, and occasional feet swelling. Mostly, people with underlying health issues experience cold feet when blood flow reduces. Diabetes, heart conditions, obesity, arterial diseases are the major causes of this condition.

Observing foot health is one way we can solve the circulation deficiency. This way we can ensure that our feet remain warm even when experiencing poor blood flow.

Does Poor Circulation Make Your Feet Cold?

Yes. Poor circulation is a common cause of cold feet and legs. Blood plays an important role in body metabolism. Hypothalamus and autonomic nervous system keep the body within the normal temperature ranges. The heat produced from the metabolism reaches the body parts through blood circulation. Therefore, if there is poor circulation the generated heat won’t reach all body parts.

Causes of Cold Feet and Numbness

There are several factors and conditions that can lead to cold feet and numbness. These ranges from unhealthy lifestyle habits, poor nutrition among others. Our list below elaborates all the major causes you may want to know;

Peripheral Artery Disease

This is a circulatory condition whereby peripheral arteries narrow causing reduced blood flow. The condition is due to fatty deposits and calcium build-up on the walls of the blood vessels. The arteries clog, reducing the blood circulation all over the body. So, this reduces the body heat distributed to cause cold feet. This subjects you to risks of heart attack and stroke. Atherosclerosis affects the legs, brain, and heart arteries. Inadequate supply of blood to legs will cause feet cold.

Poor circulation

Poor circulation of blood makes the heart not to pump warm blood to the lower parts of the body. This means there won’t be enough heat reaching your feet. And the result is intense cold feet and numbness.


It is also known as an underactive thyroid. This is a condition in which the thyroid gland does not produce enough thyroid hormone. It is the hormone responsible for burning calories. So, if the thyroid is low, there will be an effect on the body’s metabolism. It will either lead to weight loss or weight gain. The weight gain causes difficulties in a heartbeat. When the pulse rate reduces, the circulation will also reduce thus causing cold feet.


Anaemia is a condition where the blood lacks enough healthy red blood cells. It can also be a result of dysfunctional red blood cells. The inadequate supply of blood causes cold feet, especially in acute anemic conditions. It is one disease you can treat through a change of diet. Taking food rich in iron will increase blood formation in the bone marrow. Also, supplements can boost blood formation that is a direct increment of red blood cells.


Having extra weight affects the body when standing or sitting for long hours. The weight gain increases the risk of high blood pressure and varicose veins. Both these anomalies can lead to inappropriate blood flow.

Blood clots

A blood clot in the vessels blocks the blood from flowing to other organs and tissues. Sometimes it can even cause a complete blockage of blood flow. Clots can be dangerous as they can cause stroke, heart attack. A blood clot on the leg can restrict the blood flow to the legs causing cold feet. If detected early, blood clots are curable. But if they go unnoticed can even lead to sudden death.

Ways To Keep Feet Warm With Poor Circulation

1. Footbath

This is where you fill a basin or bathtub with warm water and soak them into the water for a given period. It can take anywhere between 10 to 15 minutes. The process ensures there is enough heat to keep the blood fresh.

Although, this method isn’t recommendable for diabetic people. Use of warm water can damage their nerves. They have low sensitivity and thus may be hard for them to know the degree of hotness and coldness of the water.

2. Daily exercise

Daily exercise routines are very critical in keeping your body warm. It is another simple exercise that you don’t even need an instructor or any special gear. The blood circulates fast when you do cardio activities like jogging, jumping jacks, leg exercise. This will keep the feet warm throughout the day.

3. Wearing socks and slippers

Wearing warm and well-aerated socks are good for people with cold feet problem. Insulating your feet will help to prevent any further heat loss. Thus, minimizing the risk of cold feet.

4. Use of electric heating pad

With technology, better and advanced equipment are gracing the market. An electric foot warmer is one such unit you can use to warm a specific part of your body. Whether during winter or at whatever time, you can use this pad to fight cold feet.

5. Quick massage

If you have cold feet, a simple message can go a long way to ameliorating the situation. Whether done in a modern SPA or at home, a message will increase blood circulation. Consequently, the smooth circulation increases warmth on the legs and feet.

FAQs – Frequently Ask Questions

Is lying down bad for circulation?

The blood circulation is smooth when you are upright and moving. When moving, the heart pumps blood to all body parts without straining. When you lie down, the blood tends to pull to the lower parts of the body like legs. So, for the blood to reach most parts, the heart must pump harder than normal. In such a situation, the risk of blood clots in the lungs and legs is high due to low oxygen uptake.

Which sleeping position is best for poor foot circulation?

Sleeping with your legs slightly raised at a certain angle is recommendable. The elevation helps to increase blood circulation on your feet. To create the elevation, you can prop your legs on a pillow. This ensures that the leg is well-positioned for the blood and it’s also healthy for the spine.

What foods are bad for blood circulation?

Foods that contain fats are unhealthy to the vascular system. Foods with sodium salts trigger inflammation that may result in diabetes. Taking care of the meals which cause defects in the vessels, will maintain the smooth blood flow.

What is the best vitamin for blood circulation?

Preliminary studies have shown that vitamins help in the improvement of blood flow. B vitamins are best when it comes to blood circulation. For example, Vitamin B-3 helps in reducing the inflammation of the blood vessels. It is also responsible for increasing blood vessel functionality. It does this by reducing the levels of cholesterol.

Additionally, Vitamin B-12 helps to reduce megaloblastic anemia. This is a condition that leaves people feeling weak and tired. In short, B Vitamins are the best for blood circulation.

Is vitamin B12 good for blood circulation?

Yes. B vitamins help in improving blood circulation. Deficiency of vitamin B-12 has neurological symptoms like cold legs and numbness. This is enough proof that vitamin B-12 improves body immunity to the cold. It also gives the body warmth in the legs and hands.

Final Recap

Poor circulation is dangerous to human health. Most conditions that cause poor circulation are easier to treat when detected early. However, if not treated early enough, they may develop life-threatening complications. Some of these complications like blood clots are very dangerous. If you suspect to be a victim of poor circulation, you better visit the hospital early. If you are still healthy, it’s advisable you be cautious.